Make computational (Ph.D.) research reproducible wide-spread with R package
Importance of making research reproducible
How to make research reproducible
Impact of R packages in the computational research
A nation’s strength is often reflected in its research contributions, and today, the global focus is on advancing research for the betterment of society. However, it’s not the quantity of research that matters most, but its quality and impact. In other words, the value of research lies not in the number of publications, but in how it influences society and drives future innovations. In this post, I’d like to share my observations on the importance of reproducibility in computational research and the numerous possibilities it offers.
With the rise of computational capabilities, researchers around the world — whether pursuing Ph.D.s or engaging in research roles — are increasingly focusing on computational research in their respective fields. Many are publishing groundbreaking contributions, but the question remains: What will be the future of these contributions?
Several possibilities emerge:
- Researchers may earn accolades such as Ph.D. degrees or salary incentives for their work.
- They build strong research profiles and enhance their CVs.
- Conferences and journals benefit from new submissions, gaining wider audiences.
- Universities and institutes gain…